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of Kerah
in by Machiavelli |
is possible to get infinite experience very quickly in the
Temple of
There is a sandy room where a hole opens in the center of the floor
and drops you down to an area with 4 buttons. Pressing one of the
buttons activates a lift that gets you out of there.
Pressing any of the other 3 drops a gold scorpion on your head.
Once you use the lift to get out, you can activate the buttons from
the room above.
Press the lift button again to drop the lift back down, then press
one of the scorpion buttons 20 times.
The room below will fill with 20 scorpions (The most you can spawn
at once
is 20). You can now bombard them with area of effect spells (I
like Ice
Storm or burning haze).
When they die and their bodies decompose, you'll be able to spawn
another 20. If you have your monster difficulty set on high,
you'll get about 700 xp per scorpion, which is about 14,000 for each
group you spawn. I managed to pull in 500,000 xp in under 5
minutes. If you run out of Mana, you can run to the fountain in
the next room (the checkerboard room) and get a full Mana recharge.
Puzzle in Wizard's Path Sent
in by Morganes |
the Firepot Puzzle in Wizard's Path (Crypt Quest):
I found this in the Crypt Quest's mini-walkthrough:
"The trick here is to walk over the central fire (the one
directly facing
the portcullis) and then walk backwards through it. After you have
done this
walk around the edge of the room and slip through the gate."
After much tearing of hair, gnashing of teeth, and searing of flesh,
found a better way to complete the Wizard Path's Firepots puzzle.
As the
party rounds the turn from the stairs, simply run straight forward
holding the SHIFT key while pressing the UP arrow key). My
party made it
through with only 2-3 points of fire damage each!
Mines / Miners Writ Sent
in by Jeremy Lowrey |
trying to get into the Stout Mines, you need a Miners Writ.
One tip mentions where to find one, however there's another way. If
you do the Boogre mission first, you will come across "Boogers
Brew" a cask looking object that stacks. I only found 3 in all
my repeated searching's of the place, but you only need 1.
Keep it in inventory and talk to the check-in guy at the Stout
Mines. He'll mention how thirsty he is. "Use" the Brew on
the drawer, and he'll *ahem* find your Writ behind the counter. It
is yours from that point on, it stays with you so you only need to
do this once.
items of Note! Sent
in by Spec |
Here's an explanation of what some
items can do:
Books: Books with magic spells can
teach a spellcaster that spell IF they don't already have it but
they use that circle. Right click on a book and use the
"invoke" button. If the invoke button isn't there, than
that particular character can not learn the spell, or they already
have it.
Amulets/Rings: Many amulets and rings
grant increased attributes (just like an ankh) Right click on all
your amulets and rings. If there is an "invoke" button,
then that item will grant and increased stat or ability. For
example, I found an amulet of Dragon's fire. That item granted one
of my characters the "Dragon's Fire" ability. Another
amulet I found granted a permanent +1 increase to strength. Some
items will disappear once invoked. Others may not. Note that if the
item states "restricted" then that particular character
can not use it, nor can they invoke it's powers.
General items: Many items have
inscriptions. Right click on certain items and there will be a
"read" button. Some of the inscriptions are just
informational (or so I think). Others give hints to certain things. These items can be anything. For
example, the 5 elements of evil you needed for a certain quest all
had informational inscriptions. One item I found gave the words you
needed to speak to the shrine of Kerah.
It is a good idea to right click on
EVERYTHING, once it's been identified. You never know what secrets
the item may have...
of 1 Hp on Leveling up? Sent
in by Jason Youngblood |
Hey! I was just wanting to write
in with a little trick that I've been
using on every party based, experience driven RPG to date.
I originally started using this trick when I first started
playing my very
first computer RPG, Wizardry 6: Bane of the Cosmic Forge.
Well, the
trick is simple and some of you RPG veterans have probably been
using it
for quite some time now. Here's what you do: Every time
that your
character makes it to the "level up status," save your
Then go ahead and level the character up like you normally do.
After you're done doing that decide whether or not that it was a
"good" level. If
you didn't like the amount of hit points/skill points that you
received just load up the game that you saved before leveling up and
try it again! Just do this as many times as you want until you
get the desired level outcome. It's all random!
The same think also works for the many treasure chests found through
the game. Every time that you find one, just save before you
open it and then see what's inside. If the booty sucks, just
load up the previous game and open it again. It doesn't always
work on every chest because some of them contain key/quest items
that have to be in there, but the other stuff in the chest is likely
to change none the less.
The main reason that I'm sending this to you is because some of the
reviews that I read about Wizards and Warriors were complaining
not getting very many hit points per level. They were saying
that you
would only receive around 1 or 2 hit points each level.
I beg to differ!! I usually don't accept a level for my
fighter until he at least receives a 10-13 hit point increase.
Hell I can usually squeeze at least 5 hit points per level out of
the "system" for even my fragile Pixie Wizard! Just
be patient and it will pay off big time. Thanks for your time,
and have a great time with the game. I know that I will!
interesting Vampire Tip
in by Larson, Jeffery T |
me just start by saying, "Yes I made the mistake of letting Lasiandra
bite one of my characters, and what's worse is it was my
Wizard!" Since then I have found out some interesting
Don't turn your character with the lowest number or HPs into a
vampire or you will be CONSTANTLY looking for blood.
Skeletons and spirits don't seem to give you blood even
though you
have successfully bitten them.
Probably the thing that has saved my wizard from dieing every 20
min from lack of blood is the Toughen spell under the Vine school
of magic. I noticed that even though my vampire cannot be
healed he can have HP added on top of what he normally has.
What I have started doing now seems to be working out real well.
First, bite enough victims that you have full health. Then,
cast as many Toughen spells as you can on the vampire character
right away. What will happen is that the HPs increased by the
Toughen spell will get used up first and when all of the spell
effects have worn off you will then start to lose your real
HPs. When you see the spell effects wear off, immediately
cast more Toughen spells to build the HPs back up.
You will see your health bar decreasing even while you have all of
the Toughen spells in effect. This is normal because when you
cast Toughen it not only temporarily increases the number of HPs
you have but also the number of potential HPs you could have.
Usually when the spell effects wear off your health bar will all of
the sudden increase back to full because you have not yet dipped
into your true HP font.

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