As you enter the Slums, you will be greeted by
This guy says that he can get Imoen back for you for a
whopping 20,000 Gold!

NPCs on
this Map:
Anomen (Lawful Neutral | Human/Male - Fighter/Cleric)
Nalia (Chaotic Good |
Human/Female - Mage/Thief)
Korgan (Chaotic Evil |
Dwarf/Male - Fighter/Berserker)
Getting 20,000
is going to take a bit of work (and fighting), so you'll need
to be hired to do some side quests. Your first, and best
choice will be the 'Copper
Talk to all the people in there, and you'll get some quests to
go on, and as a reward, they will give you gold. There are 3
NPC's in this Tavern as well; Anomen,
and the Chaotic Evil Korgan! But before you enter, and
get any quests, you should walk around the area a bit, and
talk to a few people in town as well.

The Slums map has many buildings to enter, such as the Copper
Coronet, Borinall's House, the
the Planar Sphere, and the Temple of Illmater.
There are some side quests here too, one is a Slaver's quest,
where you must enter the Copper Coronet and talk with Lehtinan
and ask him about 'other'
types of entertainment. Once inside, you'll meet this guy with
a chick, this is the guy that mean old hag is looking for. If
you wanna bust him, then do so. But this hag will come
upstairs and fight the whore and kill her (I let her live, she
was cute... lol). <g>. Anyway, now walk down the hall,
you can now either take the way down to the Slavers 'fighting
pit' or talk with the pimp lady and even get laid -
will NOT allow this, but you can remove her from your party
just to see what happens!
Once you reach the Pit area (Behind
you'll encounter the Beast Master, along with a few bears and
big kitties. I had Minsc charm 2 of the bears, and all my
other fighters went for the Beastmaster and killed him.
Alright, after you whacked ole' Beastie boy, take his stuff,
then whack off the rest of the guards and go to the prison
Free the kids and the dude named Hendak (The
real Hendak), now
he'll ask you to help him free all the slaves. Don't worry if
you loose him, just go back to the Copper Coronet main hall
where you talked to the false Hendak, (Sigh), the REAL one
will be there, and tell him you'll go clear out the slavers in
the City now..
go back close to the cells again and 2 secret doors should
appear (as pink outlines). one is where a pervert is, another
will take you to the Underground Sewer Maze. Enter there!

The second you appear on the map, you'll be attacked by some
goblins, go for the magic user goblins first.. kill them and
head down the first hallway, this area opens up into a huge
circular room with a grate in the middle. First you'll have to
dispatch of the Otyugh, Ogre Jelly and Mustard jelly. hell,
while you're at it, make a peanut butter and
sandwich!! now with the monsters dead, click on the grate.
you'll be stung by something, but you will receive
Exit the hallway and head south, get the 'Lovers
and the next hallway has an exit, but it just goes to a small
greenery dwelling that a few Mycontids
call home. I'd save before you enter, because they can cast
some Charm or Confusion spells that could harm you or... just
annoy you!
Next, go down the hallway till you see a waterway. go west
till you see the crossover bridge/plank but MAKE SURE you have
someone detect traps, because there are a few on the plank..
After you disarm them, walk over and kill the Kobolds and grab
the Shaman's Staff.
Go over and talk to the old man named
Kill his pet Carrion Crawler and take the Blood sample from
it.. Now you should have the Blood, the Ring, Hand and the
take all of these to the next area in the northeast. Its a
puzzle. all those items I just spoke of are actually 'keys'
for this puzzle, and the reward for this puzzle is a Lilarcor
+3 2-Handed Sword
that talks!
This is the actual order you need to put the items in the
Pipe 1: Ring
Pipe 2: Blood
Pipe 3: Hand
Pipe 4: Staff
Head towards the South now, and up the stairs to the Slavers
Boat! Time for some butt-kicking goodness! (Save the Game
before going up the stairs).

The Slavers
will attack you the second you get in the room, so be ready,
and go for all the spell casters FIRST. then take out the rest
of the guys, loot'em and get
and Telbar's
Studded Leather +2.
Go into the next room and kill the Troll, then once he is
down, use either a fire or Acid spell on him to kill him permanently.
If you give the little girl 100 Gold, she will be grateful,
and you will receive a reputation increase of 1.
Next, walk up the stairs and free the 2 kids from their cells,
and get ready for a fight with some slightly powerful wizards.
(Save the game again too).
I sent my Thief in, (Hidden in Shadows), and had a look
around. I went to the left room first, and backstabbed the one
guy that was in there. then went into the other (Hidden in
Shadows again) and just checked out the area. go back to
your other people and its up to you now.. you can all rush the
Wizards, or summon some monsters to block the doorway, while
you attack them from air.. which ever way works for ya.. after
you kill them, search their bodies, and you'll get a Cloak
of Protection +1
and a Wand
of Fear.
Now, once you've cleared out all the slavers, and let all the
Slaves go, its time to return to the Copper Coronet
main hall, where the 'Real' Hendak is still. Tell him that you
have killed all the slavers, and freed the slaves, and you'll
earn 38,000XP
and he'll also throw in 3,900 Gold, a Bastard
Sword +1 / +3 vs. Shape shifters.
and a set of Plate Mail.

you talked with Nalia in the Copper Coronet, and added her to
your party, or agreed to help her, its time to head to the
de'Arnise Hold, (See Map) for some more battles, and some more
Now, you probably won't have 20,000 Gold yet, so this quest
will help fill the coffers a bit.. ok, you go to de'Arnise.
Once there, search around the area (Around that Castle) and
you happen upon some dudes, talk to the one called Captain
Arat. and he'll tell you what's going on here with the Tolls
and such. Afterwards, he'll give you some Fire arrows. Now,
head north and you'll find the secret entrance to the Keep,
once in, you need to pick the lock on the door to gain
entrance, then you fight a Troll. Kill him then find the
secret door and enter it.

*You'll gain
Experience points per Troll & 12,000XP
for killing Spirit Trolls! Nice!
you enter, you meet a guy named Daleson. Now before you start
talking, know this: If you are a goodly party, and like to
have a good reputation, be nice to this guy, because being
mean will lower your rep by 4 points! Just deal with him
Talk with Daleson and proceed through the set of secret
doors all the way down the hallway. if you have the game set
to hard, you'll fight more Trolls here, now loot the thing
between the lion statues, and return back the way ya came, to
the main area.
Prepare for some battling here, lots of Trolls! What I did was
cast all my powerful spells to get them down, then fireball to
kill them permanently. also, you can do the ole' trick of
summoning animals or Monsters and use them as fodder while you
use Bows and Slings & Spells <g>. Fun! Boo would
Take whatever you want from the Troll corpses and head out of
one of the main exits, kill the ugly little (heh) Otyugh and
run down the hall and to the left, kill the dogs. Take the
chunks of Dog Meat (lovely..) back down to the kitchen stove
and cook the nasty stuff.. you'll get back a Bowl of Dog Stew
back, and some experience.. keep it for a future use..
Now, send one of your party members up the stairs to lower the
drawbridge, and return outside with the rest of your party
members, now you'll get some help from the Castle Guards!
After you've finished up, head for the second floor.

Once upstairs, head south and you'll come to a door, go in and
you'll need to battle a some more Trolls. Now grab the Keep Key and make your way
back to the hallway.
Next, you will come to a hallway full of secret doors (Pink
that will lead you up to Glacias. Talk with him, and just be
nice.. this guy is an ass, but all conversation paths lead to
a fight, so take his sorry ass out. His guy is pretty tough,
(120 Hit points), so have your mage use some spells on him and
fighters pummeling him, afterwards, loot the git's corpse
<g>, and go back to the main hallway. now that you have
the Keep Key, you can enter Lady Delcia's room. Talk with her
and you'll find out that the Trolls are in the basement too.
Now, there are 3 secret rooms off of this one, make sure you
don't mess with the one where the Golems are just yet. (Trust
me, you don't <g>).
Take the secret door that has a stairway down-to the basement.
now prepare to fight a lot of baddies here, so you should Save
up in Lady Delcia's room and Rest (I think you can in her

Now, to the battle: Now, take care of the Trolls then give the
Thief in your party the Dog Stew and have him/her hide in
shadows and pass by the Umber Hulks and put the Stew on the
Dog bones. This will make the Umber Hulks come back to munch
on the food and create a diversion for you. Instead of
fighting, this diversion tactic will give you 18,500XP!
Now, you can either just ignore them and go for Torgal, and
the Umber hulks will come later to help him, or you can do the
ole' "Summon the Monsters to block the doorway" maneuver.
(If you didn't already kill them that is.
Anyway, in any event you'll be fighting Torgal. This guy is
also pretty tough (140HP). so remember to save after the Umber
Hulk thing. <g>.
To fight Torgal and win is tricky, but not impossible. Have
everyone just pour onto him, and he'll die.
Now, after you have all 3 heads, go to the Forge (Near where
the Loin Statues were) and put all 3 heads in the forge, this
will create for you a Flail called "Flail of the
Ages". Its a +3 Flail.
he's dead, loot him, and then search the base of the Pillar
and get all the goodies there, then head back to the main
Now we're going to do the Golem room... this is how you can do
it (one way that is). on your way back up, have all your
characters enter the Courtyard except one. Make sure this
"one" has some haste potions or is a magic user that
can caste haste, have that character enter the Golem room and
haste yourself. then grab the goodies, pause, grab goodies,
pause etc... then hall ass out back down where your other
characters are, and leave. You'll get around 40,000XP for

If your main character (The one YOU created/imported from BG1)
is a Fighter, then you can talk with Nalia, and she will offer
the De'Arnise Hold to you! All you need to do is check in from
time to time and keep the hold in good shape, and protected..
Later on in the game, you'll get lots of side quests from
being the Owner of this Hold.
You will also gain 10,000 Gold
when she hands over control of the hold to ya, then 500 Gold
every week there after, so this will help out A LOT with that
20,000 Gold required to help get Imoen back!