
News Archives Updated On 05.16.2007
Latest Updates At the
Bottom of the
This Website
is Under Site Construction, It will be done when its done, which
should be soon! I did have the top nav bars as java highlighters
but... well, java doesn't like to load 90% of the time, so java is
out. faster load times are IN!
I Added the
Cool looking design on the index page, I hope you like it, It just
came to mind.. oh well, Onward Ho! More of the site coming soon!
Compu-Comics Interactive Site is pretty much finished, I also fixed
up the Starfleet Missions II Preview page and the Download page for
Starfleet Missions Episode I. You can get to both pages via the
Compu-Comics page.
I changed
the entire nav bar interface, I just needed
more buttons.. don't we all? Also added many other areas back, which were gone for awhile, and
added more screen-shots for Starfleet Missions II Preview.
The 3D Starship Archive of Rendered Images is now all Online!
Also, Download the NEW Enterprise 1701-E Object For Truespace3!
Its much better looking now, and Looks Correct.
The Updated
Enterprise 1701-C Starship Mesh for Truespace3 is finished and
online. Get it at the TS Object Archive,
Visit the Site of the Week, each week I add a new Site, and keep
all the others in Archive so you can see past Sites.
I added the Akira Ship Pictures to the 3D Starship Archive, and added some NEW Rendered Images in
the TS 3D Gallery, Take a Look!
I am almost
Done with the Akira Model, Download it August 10th.
If you want to see what it looks like as of 08/05, scroll down a
bit, or go to the TS Object Archive, I updated the Akira Image,
I am in the process of Adding the Guestbook, I just need to contact
someone to modify my INI file. I updated the Gaming
area and the Trek Scoop now has MORE Startrek Spoilers
for Deep Space Nine and Voyager!
The Akira
Class Starship is complete, and Online, Also Uploaded the Animation
for it, its a simple animation showing all angles of the ship. The
Model is 503k and requires Truespace3 v3.1, Go to the TS Object Archive to download the model and animation, or
to the 3D Starship Archive and view the Akira
Renderings, and many other ship types.
My MIRROR Website, is Online now, go bookmark that site
as well!
Added more Files to the Site File Area.
The Akira Class Truespace3 Mesh with all it's Textures is Online For
Download, its 503k, also I uploaded a 1.5MB Animation of it! Go Snag
it at the TS Object Archive!
I added the Akira Ship Pictures to the 3D Starship Archive, and added some NEW
Rendered Images in the TS 3D Gallery, Take a Look!
I am looking
for sites to host some of my trek files, only as backup mirror
sites, so if one site is busy, or down, they can get the files from
another source. Email me if you can help!
I totally
redesigned the TrueSpace Object Archive,
All NEW Layout
to display the ships!
Also, I redesigned the LINKS area, ya gotta go look.. much
better looking.. Also Remember to check-out Gaming
Many things are being adding this weekend! The Guestbook is now Online, and Working, Please Sign it!
If you
haven't already, go to the NEW Akira Shots in the 3D Starship Archives,
I updated the Akira Starship Section with Zoom in's and new angles.
I have added some more Links below, and some Great Sites to visit in
the "Programs You Might Need" Area. I am Also still working
the NEW Meshes!
I am back
from vacation, and will be updating the site daily again.. If you
wish to see that Leonid Storm via Real-Video, CLICK HERE.
I have added 3 new Starship's to the 3D Starship Archive Gallery, and updated the entire site with new
graphics! Check it out!
Checkout the 2 NEW Ship Meshes I will be making very soon, the New
Delta Flyer, and the Borg Sphere. Go to the Object Archives to see what they will look like!
I have added 40 New screen-shots for the Episode of Voyager
"Drone", Go Check them out!
I have updated
the Site of the Week, its a Xmas Related Link, and each
week I will have another Xmas Link until the 25!
I will be uploading a few new Rendered Pics to my TS 3D Gallery, and a few new sets of ships to the
Starship Gallery.
I uploaded a NEW Alien
Starship to
the Object Archives, go Download it ASAP!
Also, I added Startrek Insurrection Pic's from the Behind the Scenes Show that
was on E!.
I have
totally redesigned the Baldur's Gate Area, now with four series of portraits.
Check out the TS Object Archives for some great new stuff
that will be added Jan. 1999!
I am
about a week or so away from releasing a NEW Starship to
the Object Archives, stay tuned, I want it to be a surprise!
Also, If you play Baldur's Gate, Check out my BG Site, The Ironwork's. Many hours have gone into this Support site, and has
gotten INCREDIBLE Hits!
Load times
will be MUCH better when I tweak everything,
also, unlike my last nav bar, this one is much better, once its
loaded on this page, or any page, its loaded for every other one as
well! -Ziroc
Welcome to Version 4.7b of the Website! It is now in
full 800x600 mode, 96% of the users that visit here, are at least at
800x600 or higher.
Some areas are still under Conversion, and will be finished up by
Friday the 19th.
give me some
feedback, and let me know if you like this new
look, I am very interested!
I have added
March's Site of the Month, check it out, its a cool
I have Released the Borg Sphere Mesh for trueSpace3, its 633k!
I am now working on Converting Trekker's Tavern, Gaming Paradise, and
REALLY making Starfleet Missions II
Preview area better, and a slew of NEW Screen-shots!
I have
converted the Compu-Comics site, Check it out if ya want, it looks pretty good,
its almost complete too..
I have
updated the 3D Starship Archive with 3 NEW Ships, the Steamrunner,
Saber, and Borg Sphere.. Check 'em out!
I have
a Surprise, I am ALSO working on the Saber Class
Starship Mesh,
along with the Steamrunner, BOTH will be released
on the same day also!
I have
Updated and Added TONS of New Links to the Cool Links Area, Check them out,
Finally got My
New system setup, and the files all set, I'll be working hard on the
Saber Class and Steamrunner Class Starships this Coming week,
AND I am going to add much more Detail to these two Ships
due to a nice PIII/500Mhz System! <g>
I will be
Closing the "Trekker's
Tavern" Page,
and Replacing it with a HUGE Need For Speed page, Trek scoop will Remain, and Has the
latest news, and Rumors.
Updated the Trek Scoop! Get all the latest
Startrek info on DS9 and Voyager! Many Spoilers! Also added the Sim City 3000 Link to the Bar on the Right.
Progress on the 2
new Starships
is going well, I have been busy with work at stuff so its taking more
time to finish them.
I have
Upgraded the Website to Version 4.8, and the Code has been Cleaned up a lot, and most
areas will load faster.
With this Upgrade, You will Notice that the "Home" Button is Slightly different,
and the NEW Area, "Need
for Speed" has been added That Area will Open on May 1st!
Enjoy, and Please
Email me if you see any Errors or Bugs.
Click HERE for the NEW Steamrunner
Screen-Shot, Its Changed A lot
Since you Last Saw it. Going for a Thursday
or Friday Release! - Now, it could change, or I may just release 1, then
the other when its Done.. They are REALLY looking great now,
I'll put up some Screen
Shots of both tonight (Sat. 24th)
Also, Added a
few New Links to
the Cool Links area, Check them out, I have compiled a
HUGE group of links to most mesh /
trek sites on the net.. If you know of one I don't have, send it to me! :-)
Steamrunner Class Starship Has Been Released! Go
Snag it - It
has been released in 2 Forms, the FULLY Textured Meshed TrueSpace
Version, and the Non-Textured
DXF Version.. (If you want the textures, you must Download the
trueSpace Zip also and Apply them yourself - trueSpace Doesn't do
Thanks to Rob
Caves, he has done a
Lightwave Conversion of the Steamrunner Mesh, Its up for download in the TS Object
Archives Area,
Visit his website
& Email on the URL Above)
Updated the 3D Starship Archives with the
NEW Steamrunner Ship, Check it out from
ALL Angles, with 4 Zoomed in areas!
I have
added EVEN MORE new Screen-shots of the Stargate, I have added 4 More
Renders to the 4 I added 2 days ago. These new Shots show the New
additions to the Gate..
I have Added 4 NEW Preview Screen-Shots of the Stargate, And
Updated the 3D Starship Gallery!
Check them Both
I have released the Saber Class Starship! Its in 2 Formats,
Truespace3 (With Textures) and DXF,
with no textures - Anyone that would like to make a Lightwave
Conversion, Email me!
I have added a ZIP full of 360 Road sign Textures, all are in TGA format,
them Here.
Thanks to Rob Caves, he has done a Lightwave Conversion of
the Steamrunner Mesh, Its up for download in the TS Object Archives Area, Visit his website
& Email on the URL Above)
I have added 1
final render of the Stargate before its release to the public, take a
look at
it Here, it
now has the Ramp and Lights attached.
A few more tweaks are needed, then it will be released.
Rendered a NEW Image tonight, its entitled "Road Work" View it Here 227kb and a Newer one
Here. Almost complete on the Stargate! Should be online Very
The Ironworks
Area has had an ENTIRE Site Update, check it out if you like RPG's. - The
New Sections like Darkstone, Neverwinter Nights and Planescape will
open August 18th.
I have added 16
NEW Links to
the Cool Links area, check them out, if you have time, there are
tons of great 3D Mesh sites listed as well.
Welcome to www.tgeweb.com.
Finally got the
Domain name,
now in the coming weeks I'll be adding TONS of new stuff to the site, Remember
to Re-Bookmark this New URL!!
The Stargate
Mesh has been Released to the Public!
Go to the Object Archives to Download it.
Remember, if you Haven't Done so, Sign the Guestbook, I'd Love to hear from ya.
I have Uploaded all 5 TNG Movies that I made in Deluxe Paint
Animation in 1993-94, REMEMBER, this was when I just started, But the 5th movie isn't
bad at all.. Its on par with Starfleet Mission I.
Download Episode 1
2 3
4 5
(Episodes 1-4 are
(Episode 5 is 8.6MB)
Added a Chevy
to the Non Sci-Fi models area, More coming soon (Sci-Fi Models
I've added the first model for the Non Sci-Fi Models Area, Its a
Mitsubishi-Truck.. More Later today and
every day!
We have been featured in the Book "The Trekkers Guide to the Internet". Check it out in the awards page,
its the first book I believe we are featured in! :-)
through 01-04-02
Just an
update for April 7th: I've been working on revamping the 3D
Starship Gallery
for a few weeks now. The area will have a new web design, new
renders/pictures of each Starship (Newer models as well), and
lots of NEW stuff as well! I'll be adding this in a few days!!
I've added a NEW
3D Model to
the Object Archives (One of many being released this
year!). It's the USS Pasteur
Starship, and has all the high-res textures included.
Download it at This page
If anyone wants to do a conversion for me, let me know via
email. More soon!!
I'm back
from Vacation, and wanted to remind you guys that I'll have
some New Models
One of the models I'm working on is a prototype that was to be Voyager, but
wasn't picked as the design. Its a really cool looking ship!
A few of you have told me that the Stargate mesh is creating
problems when being loaded. The mesh is extremely
detailed (near movie quality), and takes a powerful machine to
load it up. I'll be designing a lower poly-count version
though soon.
all, just wanted to give you guys an update
on the goings on here.. its been slow here, but every summer I
take some time off from the site and relax a bit. but its soon
over! And you'll see lots of new
models coming up! The new
delta flyer is on my mind now.. I wonder what it'll look like!
Anyway, we'll be bringing it on in full effect in a few weeks!
uploaded a preview of what the new
look of TGEWEB2K
will look like, its just a screenshot, not all of the buttons
are finished, but its nearing completion.
3D Model is online for Download,
its 900kb so go snag it now, if you can do a conversion
for me to Lightwave, and/or MAX let me know, you can email it
to me.
rendered a new area of the Conference building for you, I
added a few more rooms to it.
View the Pic Right
We'll be adding a NEW Model
Friday, its a new type of
shuttle, its a tanker/transport shuttle. I'll put some
screenshots of it up tomorrow as well!
added 2 NEW Images
to the 3D
Gallery, check them out.. One
is a render of Starfleet Academy, and another is of the
kitchen in my old house..
the Short Animation of a set for Starfleet Missions II, its a
Conference Building at Starfleet Academy, You'll need the DivX
Codec to Play this AVI, so go Here
first, then Download
the Animation Here (1.8MB)
when you're ready! (The DivX Codec is AMAZING,
rendering in this Codec creates DVD
like quality while keeping the size amazingly small!
Here are
4 NEW Renders from Starfleet
Missions II:
Image 1 Image
2 Image 3
Image 4
Here is
one of many NEW
screenshots from the upcoming animated movie Starfleet
Missions II!
the Screenshot (152KB)
at 1024x768